Save a Tree for Miss Fauxy


THIS PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE AGAIN, Miss Fauxy say’s yeahhhhhh!!


The Revolutionary Nano Towel

THE NANO MAGICAL TOWEL SWIPE: Replaces toxic Chemical Cleaners and the Paper Towels. You also help prevent trees from being cut if you change to this Towel permanently.
(Its up to you so to Help our CLIMATE please watch this Video.



Breathe my darlings! I totally stand by this product that is way i’m making it available for you too. 

As you all know im a crueltyfree vegan but also very sustainable and eco-friendly!

im a Celiac(Coeliac) too, that means i have nasty Gluten and wheat and food Intolerancy which isnt a hype like reality tv but mine is very rare in this world as its auto immune diseases Coeliac and Morbhus Durhing). So i have enough issues but live with them easily im sure you wondering this chic so how can she look so young and beautiful? So i’m also a very allergic person, I have to inhale and exhale fresh and clean air!!

Anyway I was also born with Astma Bronchitus, and Atopie(allergies), mostly for pollen, hairy fruit, mowed grass, shelled fish, dogs and cats( except 3 types the Poodle, Yorkie and Maltese but i love animals) and cant stand chemicals for eg so at home i only use
The Revolutionary Nano Towel with water to clean up. One must learn to cope in life, move on and what i do is adjust at home first, no dustmite, no chemicals, clean surfaces etc so i can type this blog, help others discover this towel and live better especially chronically ill people.

Even my bedding is so important for me to have a great sleep and totally function the next day but i always make my rooms dustfree and when i have accidents at home this towel is always available to me! Btw im sure you noticed on Instagram i have one eye the other is blind and crooked so i so tend to mess!

Your Paper Towel is Poisoning Our Environment…

Did you know to make one ton of paper towels…

17 Trees Have To Be Destroyed

20,000 Gallons Of Water Are Polluted

This Equates To…

Enough Water To Feed A Community of 40,000 People.

The paper towels that are sitting on the kitchen counter, in your washroom cabinet or even at your workplace may seem to be a normal necessity in your everyday life.

But do you know that those very same paper towels you’re using regularly do a massive damage to you and to our environment?
To Make Matter Worse, Decomposing of Paper Towels Produce Methane Gas, A Leading Cause Of Global Warming! 
Watch this amazing video to help reverse the damages! Nano Towel VIDEO
Here are some scary facts for you to know.

To make one ton of paper towels, 17 trees have to be destroyed and over 20,000 gallons of water have to be polluted for usage. That’s more than enough water to feed a community of 40,000 people per day!

Everyday, over 3,000 tons of paper towel waste is produced in the US alone and to make the matter worse, decomposing paper towels produce methane gas, a leading cause of global warming!

In fact, an average person uses 2,400 to 3,000 pieces of paper towels each year. At the current store sale price, you’re spending over $100 per year, $400 for a family of four, on these “harmful” paper towels.

If you want to save money and help reduce carbon footprint on our environment, watch this eye-opening video right now! Nano Towel VIDEO

What you’re about to discover is an advanced technology that will end your need for paper towels FOREVER and save you thousands of dollars. This advanced technology can also eliminate your usage of toxic chemicals that you use to clean your house.

All you need is WATER to clean virtually anything.

Watch this video right now to learn more! Nano Towel VIDEO click here to view and get yours

We hope you’ll join forces with us to make this world a better place to pass onto our future generations.

Hugs Kiss kiss Jk

Please click on the link here below if you want to purchase this great piece of fabric that is so revolutionary. 

PURCHASE your towel here, Thank you!

Hugs and Thank you kiss kiss Jk.

2-Pack Special 8 x NanoTowels click here to enlargen


Oooh la la Thanks! Please reply! Kiss Kiss JK